Monday, December 22, 2008

Break: Boredom then Insanity

I don't even remember what I said in my last entry, it seems like I wrote it ages ago even though that was less than a week ago. Well, I'm currently back in MA for the holidays, I got here Tuesday. Since then I've done absolutely nothing. After Christmas I'm basically booked until I leave for NOLA again, but this whole week before Christmas is a complete time sink. I've practiced some cymbals, made some Arabic flash cards, gone sledding (more on that later), gone to two musicals, and had some much-needed girl talk, but I do not consider any of these things productive enough to justify the 5 days of my life I'm missing. I'm so much more productive at school, so I don't really know why I came home so early. Coming home today would've made more sense. Tomorrow is my mother's birthday, so I do have to be here for that, but if it weren't for that I would say I don't need to be here until the 23rd.
So back to the sledding. It snowed about 16-18 inches here since Friday. It's a little crazy. I love snow and even I think it's a bit much. It snowed about 10 inches Friday, 1 or 2 Saturday, and another 6 today. It's also been about 19 degrees out the whole time and winds are sposed to be about 25mph tomorrow, gusting to 50. Yeah, you heard right, FIFTY MPH. I know I wanted winter, but I am not used to this, this is not the winter I was expecting.
I'm spending Christmas with my dad (who I have yet to see this break), standard family stuff. Should be fun tho, I've already seen my mom's family this break so I thought I'd see my dad's for Christmas. Plus, I was with my mom's family for Thanksgiving. And I think my uncle Donny is gonna be here for Christmas from Indiana, and I haven't seen him in awhile.
After Christmas is when my break should get interesting. Nationals for APO is in Boston this year, and I will be representing Tulane's petitioning group, along with 2 other girls. I'm excited because I'll get to see some brothers from CCC, who I haven't seen since April. That's the 27th thru the 30th of December. On the 31st, my friend Jay from Tulane gets here. He's staying with me for a week, until the 6th or 7th, and then basically once he leaves I'm leaving to drive back to NOLA.
It's gonna be a crazy couple of weeks. I'll post updates when I get the chance.

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