Monday, December 15, 2008

Thought organization (or at least to me it's organized)

While I'm here there are a few other things I want to post about. This is completely unrelated to the last post so I figured it'd be better to just start a new post.

(BTW this is a really ADD list)

1.I love Christmas music
2. I'm currently in the process of learning 2 different instruments and I'm uber excited about this. But a little scared I'm getting in over my head. Yay music.
3. I should be studying for my final right now, but it's not till tomorrow afternoon. *hurrah procrastination*
4. As stated in my last post I'm rather confused about my life right now.
5. I really don't want to go home for the holidays, can't I just stay here?
6. I think I might be getting in a little over my head for next semester, but I'm not sure if I should lighten my load (not just class-wise, in other ways as well) or tough it out and put myself to the test.

I'm actually going to stop for now because I really should sleep, but this list will be continued.

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