Monday, December 22, 2008

Break: Boredom then Insanity

I don't even remember what I said in my last entry, it seems like I wrote it ages ago even though that was less than a week ago. Well, I'm currently back in MA for the holidays, I got here Tuesday. Since then I've done absolutely nothing. After Christmas I'm basically booked until I leave for NOLA again, but this whole week before Christmas is a complete time sink. I've practiced some cymbals, made some Arabic flash cards, gone sledding (more on that later), gone to two musicals, and had some much-needed girl talk, but I do not consider any of these things productive enough to justify the 5 days of my life I'm missing. I'm so much more productive at school, so I don't really know why I came home so early. Coming home today would've made more sense. Tomorrow is my mother's birthday, so I do have to be here for that, but if it weren't for that I would say I don't need to be here until the 23rd.
So back to the sledding. It snowed about 16-18 inches here since Friday. It's a little crazy. I love snow and even I think it's a bit much. It snowed about 10 inches Friday, 1 or 2 Saturday, and another 6 today. It's also been about 19 degrees out the whole time and winds are sposed to be about 25mph tomorrow, gusting to 50. Yeah, you heard right, FIFTY MPH. I know I wanted winter, but I am not used to this, this is not the winter I was expecting.
I'm spending Christmas with my dad (who I have yet to see this break), standard family stuff. Should be fun tho, I've already seen my mom's family this break so I thought I'd see my dad's for Christmas. Plus, I was with my mom's family for Thanksgiving. And I think my uncle Donny is gonna be here for Christmas from Indiana, and I haven't seen him in awhile.
After Christmas is when my break should get interesting. Nationals for APO is in Boston this year, and I will be representing Tulane's petitioning group, along with 2 other girls. I'm excited because I'll get to see some brothers from CCC, who I haven't seen since April. That's the 27th thru the 30th of December. On the 31st, my friend Jay from Tulane gets here. He's staying with me for a week, until the 6th or 7th, and then basically once he leaves I'm leaving to drive back to NOLA.
It's gonna be a crazy couple of weeks. I'll post updates when I get the chance.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Learning is my Thing

Ok, so apparently I'm on a blogging binge (aka a procrastination binge). I only have one final left, it's in 2.5 hours, and I have had enough Arabic in the last couple days to last a lifetime. And now I'm taking it next semester. It just makes me wonder.
if i hate studying so much, then why do I constantly overload myself so that I have to study nonstop all the time. if I were to be a normal person and take 18ish credit hours next semester i could probably have a lot more time to hang out and have fun. But no, I insist on taking 22 hours and ensuring myself a slow and painful death. Don't get me wrong I love the learning part, it's just the paper-writing, test-taking part I don't like. I wish schooling wasn't so institutionalized and focused on grades, because grades aren't my thing. Learning is my thing.

Thought organization (or at least to me it's organized)

While I'm here there are a few other things I want to post about. This is completely unrelated to the last post so I figured it'd be better to just start a new post.

(BTW this is a really ADD list)

1.I love Christmas music
2. I'm currently in the process of learning 2 different instruments and I'm uber excited about this. But a little scared I'm getting in over my head. Yay music.
3. I should be studying for my final right now, but it's not till tomorrow afternoon. *hurrah procrastination*
4. As stated in my last post I'm rather confused about my life right now.
5. I really don't want to go home for the holidays, can't I just stay here?
6. I think I might be getting in a little over my head for next semester, but I'm not sure if I should lighten my load (not just class-wise, in other ways as well) or tough it out and put myself to the test.

I'm actually going to stop for now because I really should sleep, but this list will be continued.

So, uh, you know those things called life plans?

I haven't updated and I figured that while not studying for my final at 1am I could at least be semi-productive and do this.
I've recently become very confused about my life- more precisely what I want to do with it. I've basically been pre-med since i was four years old, and it's always seemed nice, fun, and i still think it would be. It also seems tailored to my strengths-science, math, compassion. But is there something else I would enjoy more? Is there some other way that I could help even more people? The problem is that I don't know. So what do I do with that little tidbit of information? I don't know that either.
I recently decided to switch about half my schedule. I'm currently thinking I want to study Political Science. I don't really know why but all of the courses seem so interesting that I decided I'd take a few. Hopefully I enjoy them. Polisci also goes really well with international development, which I am still planning on studying, so at the very least the courses I take next semester will count toward that, though I will still need a primary major.
I have a music minor, too, but I don't think I'd want to major in music, mostly because, as much as I love it, I want to spend my life improving life in impoverished countries and I know that being a music major will not help me with that.
I don't really know what else to say on that topic, I just felt like actually writing out how I felt, in hopes it would make me feel better; it did. I'll keep y'all posted.